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Consultative Selling (Godfrey Phillips India) - Burning Bridges With Customers

Writer's picture: Udayan Salim BanerjeeUdayan Salim Banerjee

Updated: Dec 4, 2024

One participant during a workshop shared his big learning in sales – ‘never burn your bridges with customers because you don’t know when you’ll need them’.

So true.

Sales professionals burn their bridges with customers when they interact with them on transactional basis, with the outcome of the transaction determining future interactions between the customer & the sales professional. If the transaction fails to convert into a sale, the customer is swiftly deprioritised and dropped like a hot potato.

Such behaviour on the part of the sales professional is unjustified as buying is situational and situations change, a prospect who may not buy today can do so tomorrow. Also, by sharing references and spreading positive word of mouth publicity, customers help us find more clients, thereby facilitating increased sales.

Important to note, that such benefits are relationship dependent. Stronger the relationship, greater the gains, hence the need to build bridges.

Here's what you should do:

1. Sell as per customer needs, not your greed for higher profits

2. Don’t lie, manipulate or CONvince customers into buying

3. Be open & transparent to help customers make informed buying decisions

4. Commit only what you can deliver

5. Honour all commitments, in full & on time

6. Walk the extra mile for your customers wherever possible

7. Be there when your customers need you, and not only when you need them

8. Call them. Every call doesn’t have to be for ‘sales’ only

9. Accept, apologise, put right, any neglect or dereliction from your end

10. Be your authentic self, don’t ‘put on’ or ‘fake it’

So go ahead and build.

HOWEVER, there are some bridges you do need to burn, for your own mental peace, happiness and growth.

1. Bridges that connect you to toxic relationships – personal or social (ex-spouse, cheating friend, back stabbing buddies, etc.). You know the relationship has run its full course but you’re still dragging on for old times’ sake & past memories.

2. Bridges that connect you to detrimental professional relationships (abusive customers, unappreciative team, unsupportive boss, etc.). No gains. Instead, short term and long term heavy damages to self-esteem & confidence.

3. Bridges that connect you to your past – unpleasant or otherwise (the past is dead & gone, leave it that way)

To build, or to burn, that is the question.

Sales Effectiveness Workshop for Godfrey Phillips India – Multiple Locations

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